a. おいしい b. おいしく c. おいしさ d. おいしみ
The intended meaning is: People cannot get to know how delicious this fruit is unless they taste it. The topic marker は follows the blank, so the word in question needs to be a noun, and the correct answer here is c. おいしさ.
Most adjectives can be changed to a noun by changing the ending to さ (in case of いadjectives) or adding さ (in case of なadjectives).
Higan (the equinoctial week) marks the end of both the worst of summer and the worst of winter.必要(ひつよう)な大(おお)きさに切(き)ります。
I will cut it to the size you require.私(わたし)は心(こころ)の狭(せま)さを反省(はんせい)しています。
I regret my narrow-mindedness.太平洋(たいへいよう)の深(ふか)さはエベレスト山(ざん)の高(たか)さを超(こ)えている。
The depth of the Pacific Ocean exceeds the height of Mt. Everest.悲(かな)しさのあまり、眠(ねむ)ることができない。
I cannot sleep in the excess of my grief.彼(かれ)の真面目(まじめ)さは折(お)り紙(がみ)付(つ)きだ。
We can guarantee he is very serious.子どもたちにやってみることの大切(たいせつ)さを教(おし)えたい。
I want to teach children the importance of trying.彼女(かのじょ)の丁寧(ていねい)さは半端(はんぱ)じゃない。
Her conscientiousness is incredible.
You can also use み with some adjectives to make them into a noun, but the meaning of ~さ and ~み are not the same. ~さ can usually be quantified while ~み is what is described by the adjective itself.
川(かわ)の深(ふか)さ = the depth of the river
川(かわ)の深(ふか)み = a deep spot in the riverこの薬(くすり)の苦(にが)さはあの薬(くすり)の二倍(にばい)だ。
The bitterness of this medicine is twice as much as that of that medicine. (=This medicine is twice as bitter as that medicine.)
I like the bitterness of coffee.
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