Today’s #kanji is #別, which is a compound ideograph between 冎 and 刂. 冎 apparently is the original form of…
Today’s #kanji is 居, which is listed under its semantic element of #しかばねかんむり(尸), which shows association with “corpse.” 居’s phonetic element is 古.
Writing Support Service
How fluent would you like to be in Japanese? If you really want to be fluent, that is, to able…
Today’s #kanji is 途, which is listed under its semantic element of #しんにょう(辶), which suggests something to do with coming and going.
Today’s grammar point is ~べつに/~べつで/~べつの/~べつ. This べつ follows a noun only and means “classified by ~.” Check examples here.
Today’s grammar point is ~はべつとして/~はべつにして, which is used to list exclusions, “apart from ~,” “aside from ~,” “save ~,” etc.
Today’s #kanji is 格, which is listed under its semantic element of #きへん(木), which suggests a connection with a tree. Its phonetic element is 各.
Today’s topic is ~にかんして/にかんしまして/にかんしての/にかんする. They are all a form of the verb 関する, which is an intransitive verb meaning “to be connected,” etc.
~など、~なんか、~なんて all mean something like “such as ~,” “something like ~,” etc. This is my attempt to explain the differences among these three.
Today’s #kanji is 告, which is listed under is phonetic element of #くちへん(くち). Its semantic element is 牛, which is an offering to gods.
~とべつに or ~とはべつに means “apart from ~” or “separately from ~.” This は is for showing contrast, so if you use は, “apart from” part gets emphasised.
If the phrase として follows a noun, ~として means “in the capacity of ~” and can be translated as “as ~.” It’s different from when として is used with a verb.
Question words + か
If you add か after question words, いつ、どこ、だれ、なに、なぜ、どう, いつか、どこか、だれか、なにか、なぜか、どうか become an indefinite pronoun, sometime, somewhere, someone, etc.
~ごとに follows a noun or a dictionary form verb and means “every ~” or “every time ~.” Differences between ~ごとに and ~たびに are explained at the bottom of this page.
Today’s #kanji is 識, which is made of its semantic element of #ごんべん(言) and phonetic element of 戠. 戠 is not listed in the 常用漢字(ジョウヨウカンジ) list
[non-past plain verb] + ことになる
If my father needs an emergency operation, which is correct? a. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けることにした。b. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けることになった。c. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けるようにした。d. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けるようになった。手術(しゅじゅつ)を受ける = to undergo a surgery…
This week’s #kanji is 判, which is made of its semantic element #りっとう(刂) and phonetic element of 半. 刂 is a sword, so its original meaning was to cut things apart
JLPT N4 Kanji
This page lists JLPT N4 Kanji characters. Clicking any character will open a new window with explanation of its meaning(s), reading(s), usage examples and stroke order. For…
Today’s #kanji is #送, which is a simplified form of another kanji, which is no longer used in Japanese and…
Today’s #kanji is #館, which is listed under its semantic element of #しょくへん(飠). Its sound element is 官 which has…