Today’s #kanji is #世, which is listed under the radical of #一. Its old form is 卋 which has 3 x 十 and its original meaning was “30 years” which suggested the length of a person’s active/working life. So do you know what 世 means and can you read it?
Meaning: a period, society, generation, etc.
Reading: セ、セイ、よ
世界(セカイ): the world, the earth, the globe,
世代(セダイ): a generation
お世辞(おセジ): an insincere compliment, flattery
世話(セワ): care, looking after
出世(シュッセ): promotion, success in life
世紀(セイキ): a century
近世(キンセイ): early-modern times
後世(コウセイ): future generations, posterity, the future
世(よ)の中(なか): the world, society, life, the times, an age
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