Today’s #kanji is 申, which is listed under the radical of #た(田) but 申 is a pictogram depicting a spine and ribs to mean “to stretch straight.”

Today’s #kanji is 申, which is listed under the radical of #た(田) but 申 is a pictogram depicting a spine and ribs to mean “to stretch straight.”
Today’s #kanji is 由, which is listed under the radical of #た(田) but 由 is a pictogram depicting a basket to filter unrefined sake.
Today’s #kanji is 留, which is listed under its semantic element of #た(田), farm land. 留 used to be written as 畱 and 丣 is the phonetic element although 留 and 丣…
oday’s #kanji is 越, which is listed under its semantic element of #そうにょう(走), to walk. Its phonetic element is 戉.
Today’s #kanji is 対, which is listed under the radical of #スン(寸). 対 used to be written as 對, which is a compound ideograph made of 丵 + 口 + 寸.
Today’s #kanji is 辞, which is listed under the radical of #しん(辛). 辞 used to be considered an informal variant of 辭, which is a compound ideograph made of the…
Today’s #kanji is 当, which is listed under the radical of #けいがしら(彐) in my dictionary, but some dictionaries list it under #しょうがしら(小). 当 is a simplified form …
Today’s #kanji is 示, which is listed under its own radical of #しめすへん(礻、示), which implies some connection with a god. 示 is apparently a logogram.
Today’s #kanji is 礼, which is listed under the radical of #しめすへん(礻、示), which implies a connection with a god. Apparently 礼 is a logogram …
Today’s #kanji is 式, which is listed under its semantic element of #しきがまえ(弋). Its phonetic element is 工, although 式 and 工 don’t share a sound in Japanese.
Today’s #kanji is 居, which is listed under its semantic element of #しかばねかんむり(尸), which shows association with “corpse.” 居’s phonetic element is 古.
Today’s #kanji is 支, which is listed under its own radical of #しにょう or #えだにょう(支). Apparently 支 is a simplified form of a compound ideograph made of 竹 and 手.
Today’s #kanji is 盗, which is listed under the radical of #さら(皿). 盗 is originally written as 盜 which is a compound ideograph made of 皿 and 㳄.
Today’s #kanji is 存, which is listed under the radical of #こども(子). 存 is a compound ideograph made of 子 (a child, somebody weak) and a simplified form of 在.
Today’s #kanji is 忘, which is listed under its semantic element of #こころ(心), which is closely associated with #りっしんべん(忄). 忘’s phonetic element is 亡.
Today’s #kanji is 犯, which is listed under its semantic element of #けものへん(犭), which is a form of #いぬ(犬). 犯’s phonetic element is 㔾.
Today’s #kanji is 状, which is listed under its semantic element of #いぬ(犬). 状 used to be written as 狀 and its phonetic element is 爿.
Today’s #kanji is 向, which is listed under the radical of #くち(口). 向 is a compound ideograph made of the outside depicting a house and 口 depicting a window.
Today’s #kanji is 商, which is listed under the radical of #くち(口)although 口 is not either its semantic or phonetic element. 商’s semantic element is …
Today’s #kanji is 落, which is listed under its semantic element of #くさかんむり(艹). Its phonetic element is 洛, which has the meaning of falling.