Today’s #kanji is #主, which is listed under #てん(丶). Apparently it is a pictograph showing a flame on a candlestick and it used to mean a “light” or “lamp” although it is not used for that meaning any more. Do you know what it means then? Can you read it?
Meaning: a head of a household, a lord, main
Reading: シュ、ス(ズ)、おも、ぬし、あるじ*
主語(シュゴ): a subject; the subject 《of a sentence》
主人(シュジュン): the master (of a house), an employer; my husband (older generation women often call their husband this way)
主人公(シュジンコウ): a main character, a hero
民主主義(ミンシュシュギ): democracy
主(シュ): <Christianity> our Lord
法主(ホッス): the head of a Buddhist sect
坊主(ボウズ): a Buddist monk; a boy
主(おも)な: main, chief, major
家主(やぬし): the owner of a house, a house owner, a landlord/landlady (of a house)
地主(ジぬし): a landowner, a landholder, a landlord (of land)
主(ぬし): the owner, the proprietor, the (main) person of an action (i.e. 拾(ひろ)い主(ぬし) = the finder (of a lost property))
主(あるじ): head of a household, the master/lady of the house, a proprietor
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