Today’s #kanji is #去, which is listed under #厶. Its original form is 厺 and with this, 大 is the semantic element and ム is the phonetic element, although ム and 去 don’t share a sound.
Reading: キョ、コ、さ(る)
去就(キョシュウ): leaving or following; a course of action; a person’s attitude
死去(シキョ): death, decease, passing away
消去(ショウキョ):elimination; [computer] deletion
除去(ジョキョ): removal, elimination, exclusion
退去(タイキョ): leaving, departure, evacuation
去(さ)る: to leave, to depart; to pass
立(た)ち去(さ)る: to leave, to depart, to walk away
取(と)り去(さ)る: to take away, to remove
持(も)ち去(さ)る: to carry away, to take off
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