Today’s second #kanji is #声, which is listed under the radical of #さむらい(士). The original form was 聲 which has 耳 (an ear) in it. 声 has to be perceived with 耳, so that makes sense, doesn’t it? Please check the details below.
Meaning: voice, sound, reputation
声楽(セイガク): vocal music
声援(セイエン): a shout of encouragement, cheering
声明(セイメイ): a (public) declaration, a statement, an announcement
音(オンセイ): a voice, a sound, speech
名声(メイセイ): fame, renown, reputation, honour and distinction
罵声(バセイ): boos, hisses, jeers
声(こえ): a (person’s) voice, a tone (of voice), (an animal’s) sound
歌声(うたごえ): singing, a singing voice
笑い声(わらいごえ): laughter, a sound of laughter
声色(こわいろ/セイショク): a tone of voice;mimicry, imitation of somebody’s voice
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