Today’s first #kanji is #売.
It is listed under the radical of #さむらい(士), so make sure you write the top horizontal line longer than the next one because if you write them the other way around, it will become つち(土).
売’s original form is 賣 where 買 is under さむらい(士), and this 買 is its pronunciation indicator. Can you tell how to read it then?
Meaning: to sell
売店(バイテン): a stand, a stall, a booth, a kiosk
売買(バイバイ): buying and selling, purchase and sale
売国(バイコク): betrayal of one’s country, treason
売春(バイシュン): prostitution
販売(ハンバイ): sale, selling, vending
売る(うる): to sell
売り上げ(うりあげ): proceeds, takings, sales
売り物(うりもの): an article for sale, a main attraction
小売(こうり): retail(ing), retail sale
安売り(やすうり): a bargain sale
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