Today’s first #kanji is #寒, which is listed under #うかんむり. Under うかんむり, it has 3 horrizonal lines, 2 vertical lines, 2 diagonal lines making the shape of 八 and 2 short dots. I have seen many incorrect variations, so remember these numbers correctly!
Meaning: (ambiant temperature being) cold
Reading: カン、さむ(ざむ)
寒風(カンプウ): a cold wind, a chilly wind
寒心(カンシン)にたえない: deplorable, horrific
厳寒(ゲンカン): intense cold, severa cold
酷寒(コッカン): bitter cold, extreme cold
耐寒(タイカン): cold-resistance, cold-proofing
防寒(ボウカン): protection against the cold
寒(さむ)い: (ambiant temperature being) cold – if something is cold, the word 冷(つめ)たい is used.
寒い日は水も冷たい。Water is also cold on cold days.
寒空(さむぞら/カンクウ): a wintry sky, cold weather
肌寒い(はだざむい): chill, chilly
寒々しい(さむざむしい): looking very cold; (looking) bleak
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