Today’s #kanji is #工, which makes its own radical. It looks exactly like the katakana エ but it does not have that sound. Apparently it is a pictogram but not sure of what. One theory says it’s a ruler carpenters use and another says it is an axe for craft work… Do you know what 工 means?
Meaning: a craft, artisan, etc.
Reading: コウ、ク、たくみ*
工芸(コウゲイ): technical art, a craft, industrial art
工作(コウサク): construction, building, workmanship; carpentry; maneuvering
工事(コウジ): construction (work), engineering work
加工(カコウ): processing, working, treatment
人工(ジンコウ): human work, art, human skill (人口 has the same sound but it means “population”)
工夫(クフウ)する: to figure out a good way
工面(クメン)する: to contrive/manage to ~
細工(サイク): work, workmanship, craftsmanship, ware, a handiwork
大工(ダイク): a carpenter
<Difficult Reading>
工(たくみ)を凝(こ)らす: to exert one’s technical skill
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