Today’s #kanji is #引, which is listed under #弓. It is a logogram with a 弓 (bow) and its string. Do you know what it means and can you read it?
Meaning: to pull
Reading: イン、ひ(び)
引責(インセキ): taking the responsibility, assuming the responsibility
引率(インソツ): leading/guiding (a group of students)
引退(インタイ): retirement
引用(インヨウ): quotation, citation
吸引(キュウイン): absorbtion, suction, aspiration, inhltion
強引(ゴウイン)(な): forcible, aggresive, forced
索引(サクイン): an index
引(ひ)く: to pull, to tug; to draw (a line), to provide (a place) with …, etc.
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