Today’s second #kanji is #弱. My kanji dictionary lists this under #ゆみへん(弓), but apparently 弱 is a pictograph. Its original form depicts a baby bird’s new wings, which are curled up and weak.
Meaning: weak
Reading: ジャク、よわ
弱小(ジャクショウ)(な): small and weak, minor
弱肉強食(ジャクニクキョウショク): the law of the jungle; the right of the strongest
病弱(ビョウジャク(な)): weak, sickly
衰弱(スイジャク)する: to weaken, to grow weak, to become feeble
弱(よわ)い: weak, feeble, powerless, frail
弱々(よわよわ)しい: weakly, weak-looking, frail, delicate-looking
か弱(よわ)い: weak, delicate, tender; fragile
弱(よわ)る: to weaken, to get feeble; to be perplexed, to be puzzled
弱(よわ)まる: to grow weak, to weaken
弱(よわ)める: to make weak, to debilitate
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