Today’s second #kanji is #暗, which is made of 日 and 音. 音 usually means a sound but in this case it is indicating “hiding” apparently. I guess it’s easier to hide in the 暗 places…
Meaning: dark
暗黒(アンコク)(の): dark, black, gloomy
暗号(アンゴウ): a cryptogram, a cryptograph, a secret language
暗記(アンキ): learning by heart, memorizing
暗殺(アンサツ): (an) assassination
暗礁(アンショウ): a sunken rock, an uncharted reef; an unexpected difficulty
暗算(アンザン): mental arithmetic
明暗(メイアン): light and darkness, light and shade
暗(くら)い: dark, gloomy, somber, hopeless, depressed
真(ま)っ暗(くら)(な): pitch-dark, (as) dark as midnight
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