Today’s #kanji is #有, which is listed under its semantic element of #にくづき(月). Its phonetic element is 又 for 手.
Meaning: to exist, to have, etc.
Reading: ユウ、ウ、あ
有罪(ユウザイ): guiltiness, guilt, criminality
有名(ユウメイ)(な): famous, notable, well-known
有効(ユウコウ)(な): valid, effective, good
有力(ユウリョク)(な): powerful, potent, influential, effective
共有(キョウユウ): joint ownership, co-ownership
私有(シユウ): private ownership
所有(ショユウ): possession, ownership
有無(ウム): presence or absence, existence or nonexistence; yes or no, consent or refusal
有頂天(ウチョウテン)になる: to be enraptured, to be elated, to be ecstatic (about…)
有(あ)る: to exist, to be in existence; to be located; to have; to have … attached; etc. (usually written in ひらがな)
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