Today’s #kanji is #業, which is listed under the radical of 木 in my dictionary, but it is apparently a pictogram depicting a big wooden board to hang musical instruments and/or a wooden tool which was used to build mud walls.
Meaning: work, act, etc.
Reading: ギョウ、ゴウ、わざ
業界(ギョウカイ): the business world, the industry
業者(ギョウシャ): a trader, a dealer, a businessman
学業(ガクギョウ): studies, schoolwork, academic performance
事業(ジギョウ): an enterprise, an operation; a (line of) business, a venture
業火(ゴウカ): the fire that consumes an evildoer, [Buddhism] hell fire
仕業(シわざ): an act, a deed
人間業(ニンゲンわざ): what is humanly possible
<Customary Reading>
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