Today’s first #kanji is #歌, which is listed under the radical of #欠. 欠 has a meaning of “yawning” and from there the meaning of “opening the mouth big” can be easily guessed and 哥 indicates its onyomi sound, カ. Can you tell what 歌 means then?
Meaning: to sing
Reading: カ(ガ)、うた
歌手(カシュ): a singer
歌曲(カキョク): a song (in the classical style)
国歌(コッカ): a national anthem
賛美歌(サンビカ): a hymn
短歌(タンカ): a tanka – a short Japanese poem of 31 syllables, arranged in lines of five, seven, five, seven and seven syllables
連歌(レンガ): a renga – alinked verse
歌(うた): a song
歌(うた)う: to sing, to chant; to compose a tanka poem
歌姫(うたひめ): a songstress, a (female) singer
鼻歌(はなうた): humming
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