Today’s #kanji is #産, which is listed under its semantic element of 生 in my dictionary. The rest, which is supposed to be a simplified version of 彦, should be its phonetic element but 彦 and 産 do not share a sound in the modern Japanese.
Meaning: to produce
Reading: サン(ザン)、う、うぶ
産業(サンギョウ): industry
産地(サンチ): a producing centre, a place of production
安産(アンザン): an easy delivery (of a baby), a safe birth
出産(シュッサン): giving birth, having a baby, childbirth
生産(セイサン): production, output
不動産(フドウサン): real estate, immovable property
産(う)む: to give birth to…, to produce offspring
産(う)まれる: to be born, to come into the world (生まれる is more common in this meaning)
産声(うぶごえ): the first cry (of a newborn baby)
<Difficult Reading>
土産(みやげ): a souvenir, something to take home, a present (when visiting someone)
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