Today’s #kanji is #習, which is listed under its semantic element of #羽. Its phonetic element is 白 which is a simplified version of 自, but neither 白 or 自 shares a sound with 習. Can you read it and do you know its meaning?
Meaning: to learn, to practise
Reading: シュウ、なら
習慣(シュウカン): a habit, a custom, a convention
習字(シュウジ): penmanship, calligraphy
習性(シュウセイ): a habit, living habits, behaviour
習得(シュウトク): learning, aquisition
学習(ガクシュウ): learning, study
自習(ジシュウ): self-teaching, studying by oneself
練習(レンシュウ): practice, training, a rehearsal
予習(ヨシュウ): (the) preparation (of lessons), (a) rehearsal
習(なら)う: to learn, to be taught, to take lessons
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I learn to kanji