Today’s #kanji is #肉, which makes its own radical. Apparently it is a pictograph depicting a piece of meat from a bird/animal. Many people think the common reading of this kanji is Kunyomi (originally Japanese reading) but it is actually Onyomi. Don’t forget that eating four-legged animals was not common at all for centuries in Japan!
Meaning: meat
Reading: ニク、ジク*、しし*
肉(ニク): meat
肉親(ニクシン): an immediate relative, one’s (natural) parents
肉体(ニクタイ): the flesh, the body
肉筆(ニクヒツ): one’s own handwriting, an autograph
肉屋(ニクヤ): a butcher, a meat shop
牛肉(ギュウニク): beef
魚肉(ギョニク): fish (meat)
鳥肉(とりニク): poultry meat – it could be chicken but chicken is usually written as 鶏肉 with the same sound.
豚肉(ぶたニク): pork
皮肉(ヒニク): sarcasm, irony
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