This week’s #kanji is #解, which is listed under #つのへん(角) and apparently 角 is its phonetic element, although 角 and 解 do not share a sound in modern Japanese. The rest, the combination of 刀 and 牛 is supposed to be its semantic element.
Meaning: to dissect, to release
Reading: カイ、ゲ、と(ど)
解体(カイタイ): dismantling, dissolution, dissection
見解(ケンカイ): an opinion, a view
図解(ズカイ): an explanatory diagram, a diagrammatic chart, an illustration
分解(ブンカイ): disjointing, dismantling; decomposition, degradation
理解(リカイ): understanding, comprehension, apprehension
和解(ワカイ): an amicable settlement, a reconciliation
解毒(ゲドク): detoxification
解熱(ゲネツ): lowering of an abnormally high temperature, removal of fever.
解(と)く: to untie, to undo; to solve, to dissolve, to dismiss
雪(ゆき)解(ど)け: a thaw, the thawing of snow