Today’s #kanji is #質, which is listed under its semantic element 貝. 斦 is supposed to be 質’s phonetic element but that character is not used in the modern Japanese. There are a few different readings for this kanji. Do you know them all?
Meaning: quality, nature, a pawn, etc.
Reading: シツ、シチ、チ、ただ*、たち*
質(シツ)がいい: be of good quality
質量(シツリョウ): quality and quantity; [physics] mass
質問(シツモン): a question, a query, an interrogation, a quiz
性質(セイシツ): one’s nature, temperament, character; a quality
体質(タイシツ): physical construction, physical makeup; character, nature
質屋(シチや): a pawnbroker, a pawnshop
人質(ひとジチ): a hostage
言質(ゲンチ): a pledge, a promise, a commitment
<Difficult Reading>
質(ただ)す(not very common): to ask, to question, to inquire
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