Today’s #kanji is #野, which is listed under the radical of #さとへん(里) and 里 means something like a “settlement” or a “small community” and 予 apparently had a meaning of “stretching.” Then, do you know what 野 means?
Meaning: a field, unsophisticated, etc.
Reading: ヤ、の
野外(ヤガイ): the fields, the open air, the outdoors
野球(ヤキュウ): baseball
野生(ヤセイ)の: wild, ferine, feral, savage
野党(ヤトウ): a party out of power, a nongovernment party
野蛮(ヤバン)(な): primitive, uncivilized, savage
外野(ガイヤ): [baseball] the outfield; an outsider, an onlooker
分野(ブンヤ): a field, an area, a discipline
野原(のはら): a field, a plain, a prairie
野宿(のジュク): camping-out, sleeping in the open
<idiosyncratic reading>
野良犬(のらいぬ): a stray dog, a homeless dog
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