Today’s first #kanji is #首, which makes its own radical. Apparently it is a pictograph depicting a person’s face and the hair… Make sure that the bottom part is 自 with 2 lines in the box, not 白 with only one line.
Meaning: neck, beginning, the counter for poems
首都(シュト): a capital (city), a metropolis
首相(シュショウ): a prime minister, a premier, a (German) chancellor
元首(ゲンシュ):a sovereign, a ruler, the head of state
部首(ブシュ): a radical (of a kanji)
自首(ジシュ)する: to surrender (voluntarily) to the police
首(くび): a neck; a head
首(くび)になる: to be dismissed, to lose one’s job
首(くび)にする: to dismiss, to discharge, to fire/sack
手首(てくび): a wrist, a carpus
足首(あしくび): an ankle
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