Today’s #kanji is #験, which is listed under its semantic element of #うまへん(馬) in my dictionary. Its original form was 驗 and 僉 is the phonetic element. Can you read it?
Meaning: evidence, to try, etc.
Reading: ケン、ゲン、あかし*、しるし*、ため(す)*
験算(ケンザン): verification of a calculation, checking the result of an earlier calculation (検算(ケンザン) is more commonly used)
経験(ケイケン): (an) experience*
効験(コウケン)/験(ゲン): efficacy, (an) effect
試験(シケン): an examination, a test; a trial
実験(ジッケン): experimentation, laboratory work
受験(ジュケン): taking a test, sitting for an examination
体験(タイケン): (personal, practical) experience*
験(ゲン)がいい: It is a good omen, The omens are good.
<Difficult Reading>
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