Today’s second #kanji is #鳥, which makes its own radical. 鳥 is a pictograph depicting a bird with a long tail. It looks very similar to 島 but they are not quite related.
Meaning: a bird
Reading: チョウ、とり(どり)
鳥人(チョウジン): a birdman, a birdwoman, an airman, an airwoman
鳥獣(チョウジュウ): birds and animals, wildlife
白鳥(ハクチョウ): a swan
野鳥(ヤチョウ): a wild bird, wild fowl
鳥(とり): a bird, a fowl, a feathered creature
鳥居(とりい): a torii, an archway to a Shinto shrine
鳥目(とりめ): night blindness, nyctalopia
鳥(とり)かご: a birdcage
白鳥(しらとり): a white bird
水鳥(みずどり): a waterbird, a waterfowl
渡り鳥(わたりどり): a migratory bird, a bird of passage
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