a. が b. だが c. ですが d. なが
The intended meaning is: I like chocolate but as I don’t eat it because it is fattening.
The best answer is b. だが. が here is an adversative conjunction and the part before that has to be a complete sentence. As 好(す)き is a なadjective, it needs だ or です to make the beginning part a complete sentence. Then why didn’t I pick c. ですが as an answer?
That is because the whole sentence is written in the plain form. If the second part says ふとるからたべません, then both b. だが and c. ですが are OK.
Other examples:
Hiragana is easy but kanji is difficult.あの店(みせ)のラーメンはおいしいですが、高(たか)いです。
Ramen noodles in that shop are delicious but expensive.わたしのうちは狭(せま)いですが、便利(べんり)です。
My house is small but convenient.飛行機(ひこうき)は速(はや)いですが、不便(ふべん)です。
Aeroplanes are fast but inconvenient.あの先生(せんせい)は口(くち)うるさいですが、親切(しんせつ)です。
That teacher is fussy but kind.あの薬(くすり)はにがいですが、よくききます。
That medicine is bitter but works well.旅行(りょこう)は楽(たの)しいですが、つかれます。
Traveling is fun but tiring.あの本はためになりますが、難(むずか)しいです。
That book is beneficial but difficult.ティムタムはおいしいですが、とてもあまいです。
Tim Tum is nice but very sweet.ジョンさんはドラムが上手(じょうず)ですが、ギターは下手(へた)です。
John is good at drums but not good at guitar.
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