I like taking photos.
わたしは しゃしんを( ) すきです。
a. とって b. とる c. とること d. とるのが
わたしは しゃしんが すき です。 means I like photos and it can mean:
I like looking at photos.
I like taking photos.
I like having (collecting) photos.
So you may have to say “I like taking photos” instead of just “I like photos.”
As you made the English verb “take” into “taking,” you need to make the Japanese verb とる into a noun form, which can be done by adding either こと or の. (There are some subtle difference between こと and の but I won’t talk about it today.)
So c. とること is almost right but it needs が to connect that with すきです。
テレビで サッカーを 見るのが すき です。
= I like watching soccer on TV.
本を かうのが すきです。
= I like buying books.
そうじをするのが すきじゃないです。
= I don’t like cleaning.
たまねぎを きるのが すきじゃないです。
= I don’t like cutting onions.
Adding の/こと after a dictionary form verb can be used in other patterns like:
=Watching soccer on TV is fun.
=Making delicious ramen is difficult.
Note that, the particle ~の changed from が to は, that is because すき takes が while the above 2 sentences are of the “AはBです” pattern.
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