Today’s topic is customary expressions using 眉(まゆ), eyebrows.
あの ひとの はなしは まゆに つばを つけて きいた ほうが いいですよ。
(Direct translation: You’d better listen to what he says with some saliva on your eyebrow.)
a. You can’t listen to his story without crying.
b. You’d better believe what he says.
c. You’d better listen to what he say with a grain of salt.
d. You’d better listen to what he says wholeheartedly.
眉唾(まゆつば) = something which should be taken with a grain of salt
それは まゆつばだ。
It must be taken with a grain of salt
眉(まゆ)ひとつ動(うご)かさず = (to hear the news) without turning a hair
かれは その しらせを きいても まゆ ひとつ うごかさなかった。
= He was so cool that not a muscle of his face moved with the news.
眉(まゆ)に火(ひ)が付(つ)く = urgent, pressing
それは まゆに ひが つくような もんだいだ。
= That is a matter of burning urgency.
眉(まゆ)をひそめる = to frown, to look anxious
ちちは おとうとの いたずらに まゆを ひそめた。
= Dad frowned at my younger brother’s prank.