I think a lot of people here want more friends (友達/ともだち). How do we say that in Japanese? Today’s post is about expressions relating to friends/friendship. Try to remember the particle together with the verb.
友達がほとんどいません。= I have very few friends.
友達がほしいです。= I want friends.
友達になってください。= Please be my friend.
メアリーさんと友達になりたいです。 = I want to be friends with Mary.
昨日姉の知り合いと友達になりました。 = I made friends with an acquaintance of my sister’s yesterday.
=日本でたくさん友達を作(つく)りました。= I made many friends in Japan.
友達でいましょう。 = Let’s stay friends.
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