~かた means “how to ~” and it is used with a verb stem. You also need to remember the particle used before ~かた is always の,

~かた means “how to ~” and it is used with a verb stem. You also need to remember the particle used before ~かた is always の,
~まで and ~までに are both used with a time phrase and they look almost the same. However, their meanings have a rather large difference. Read the explanation here.
~ようです/~ようだ is equivalent of !It seems…” in English and is often used to soften the tone of a statement. Check how it’s used here.
Adding か after a question word makes it an indefinite pronoun like “some…”. Adding も makes it “any…” but you need to be careful combining with a particle.
If you add か after question words, いつ、どこ、だれ、なに、なぜ、どう, いつか、どこか、だれか、なにか、なぜか、どうか become an indefinite pronoun, sometime, somewhere, someone, etc.
~-aれる/~られる is the passive form of a verb which is like “I was laughed at.” Japanese passive is quite different of that in English. Read the explanation here.
くる is a verb that means “to come” but てくる, which is a combination of the てform of a verb and the auxiliary verb くる can have various meanings.
This post explains how you can describe your clothing. You can learn names of clothing items, colours, patterns and how to put these words together.
This post explains how to use the connecting particle ~のに for 2 contradicting facts. This also explains the differences of ~のに from ~が, ~けど or ~けれど.
Giving and Receiving are 2 sides of 1 action. Depending on the perspective, there are always 2 ways to describe the same action. In Japanese, when “I” am the receiver, another aspect gets added.
Today’s Grammar Point: あまり~ない / あんまり~ない Connection あまり [いadj] ない: not very ~あまり [なadj] ない: not very ~あまり [verb] ない: not very…
Today’s Question 日本にほんではくつをはいた 家いえにはいってはいけません。a. うち b. とき c. ながら d. まま Today’s Grammar Point: ~まま… Connection [past plain verb] + まま…[non-past…
(×)座(すわ)りながら食(た)べる(✓)座(すわ)って食(た)べる In English it’s OK to say “I eat (it) while sitting down.” but in Japanese, 座りながら食べる is an ungrammatical…
おそくなるというメッセージが ませんでした。a. つたえ b. つたわり The intended meaning is: “The message that I would be late didn’t get conveyed” so…
あしたは 学校(がっこう)に こられない。=あしたは 学校(がっこう)に ことが できない。a. きる b. くる c. こられる d. これる The intended meaning is: “I cannot come…
This post explains how counters are used in Japanese and lists commonly used counters with their question form as well. Bookmark the page for future reference.
the taxi I stoppeda. とまった タクシーb. とめた タクシー I stopped the taxi, so it must be the choice with a…
この果物(くだもの)の_は食(た)べてみないとわからない。a. おいしい b. おいしく c. おいしさ d. おいしみ The intended meaning is: People cannot get to know how delicious this…
If my father needs an emergency operation, which is correct? a. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けることにした。b. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けることになった。c. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けるようにした。d. 父(ちち)が手術(しゅじゅつ)を受けるようになった。手術(しゅじゅつ)を受ける = to undergo a surgery…
[dictionary form verb] + ことがある/ことがあります literally means “there are occasions when I do ~” or “sometimes ~.” This post also talks about other similar expressions.