Today’s #kanji is #計, which is listed under #ごんべん(言). It is a compound ideograph between 言 and 十. Can you guess what it means?
Reading: ケイ、はか(ばか)
計画(ケイカク): a plan, a project, a scheme
計算(ケイサン): calculation, counting, adding up, computation
家計(カケイ): a family budget, household finance
会計(カイケイ): (the) accounts, finance, the books
合計(ゴウケイ): the sum total, the total
生計(セイケイ): (a) livelihood, a living
体重計(タイジュウケイ): a scale, a weighing device
時計(トケイ): a timepiece, a clock, a watch
計(はか)る: to measure, to plan, to plot
計(はか)らう: to manage, to arrange, to see (to it) that…
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