Today’s #kanji is 談, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 炎.
Today’s #kanji is 誤, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 呉.
Today’s #kanji is 訪, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 方.
Today’s #kanji is 論, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 侖.
Today’s #kanji is 調, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 周.
Today’s #kanji is 記, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 己.
Today’s #kanji is 警, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 敬.
Today’s #kanji is 議, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言), which suggests a connection with language/communication. Its phonetic element is 義.
Today’s #kanji is 識, which is made of its semantic element of #ごんべん(言) and phonetic element of 戠. 戠 is not listed in the 常用漢字(ジョウヨウカンジ) list
This week’s #kanji is #認, which is made of its semantic element of #ごんべん (言) and its phonetic element of…
This week’s #kanji is #許. Its semantic element is #ごんべん(言) and its phonetic element is 午, although 許 and 午…
Today’s #kanji is #説, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言). 説’s original form was 說 and 兌…
Today’s #kanji is #試, which is listed under its semantic element of #ごんべん(言) and its phonetic element is 式, although…
Today’s #kanji is #計, which is listed under #ごんべん(言). It is a compound ideograph between 言 and 十. Can you…
Today’s first #kanji is #読, which is made of #ごんべん(言) and 売 (to sell). Its original form is 讀 and…
Today’s second #kanji is #話. It is made of #ごんべん(言) and 舌 (a tongue), although the original form was apparently…
Today’s second #kanji is #語, which is made of #ごんべん(言) and 吾(五 + 口). 吾 (or 五) is the onyomi…