Today’s #kanji is #互, which is listed under the radical of #に(二). Apparently it is a pictograph depicting a rope twisted around 2 bamboo rods. So can you guess what it means?
Meaning: each other, mutual
Reading: ゴ、たが
互角(ゴカク)[noun/なadj] equal, on par, even (with)
互換(ゴカン)[noun] transposition
互換性(ゴカンセイ): [noun] interchangeability, compatibility
互助(ゴジョ): [noun] mutual aid, interdependence, reciprocity, cooperation
互選(ゴセン)する: [vt] to elect … among themselves, to choose … by an internal vote
交互(コウゴ)に: alternately, one after the other, mutually
二人(ふたり)で交互(コウゴ)に運転(ウンテン)した。= The two of us/them took turns driving.
相互(ソウゴ)(に): each other, one another
相互(ソウゴ)に助(たす)け合(あ)う=お互(たが)いに助(たす)け合(あ)う = to help each other/one another
(お)互(たが)いに: mutually
互(たが)いに助(たす)け合(あ)う: to help each other, to help one another
互(たが)い違(ちが)いに: alternately
- に