雨(あめ)が ふれば、ピクニックは 中止(ちゅうし)に なります。
=雨(あめ)の___、ピクニックは 中止(ちゅうし)に なります。
a. ばあい b. ばかり c. まえに d. やばい
The intended meaning is: In case of rain, the picnic will be canceled. So, we need the word that has the meaning of “case” which is a. ばあい(場合). 場合 is a rather official, rigid sounding word, so we don’t use it that often in a casual conversation.
場合 can be used with a noun, an adjective and a verb. See the following examples.
[noun] + の + 場合 or [noun] + だった + 場合
In case of rain, the picnic will be canceled.万一(まんいち)の場合、ここに 連絡(れんらく)してください。
In case of emergency, please contact this place.
[いadjective] + 場合 or [いadjective stem] + かった + 場合
If it’s still painful tomorrow, please go to a hospital.傷(きず)が深(ふか)い場合(≒深(ふか)かった場合)、手当(てあて)が必要(ひつよう)です。
In case the wound is deep, you need a treatment.
[なadjective stem] + な + 場合 or [なadjective stem] + だった + 場合
In case it is dangerous, please stop the machine.手術(しゅじゅつ)が必要(ひつよう)な場合(≒必要だった場合)、一週間(いっしゅうかん)入院(にゅういん)しなければなりません。
If the case when a surgery is required, I must stay in the hospital for one week.
[plain form verb] + 場合
If you are taking/took a day off because of flu, please submit a medical certificate.試験(しけん)を受(う)ける場合、身分証明書(みぶんしょうめいしょ)が必要(ひつよう)です。
If you are taking the exam, you need an ID.試験(しけん)を受(う)けた場合、結果(けっか)が出(で)るまで一週間(いっしゅうかん)ほど待(ま)ってください。
If you have taken the exam, please wait about a week before the result comes out.
In all cases above, 場合 is used as a part of adverbial phrase/clause to specify a certain condition/occasion, so you can add に after 場合. Also, if you want to emphasize the condition/occasion as being unique, you can add は after 場合 or 場合に.
However, there are occasions when 場合 is used as a part of a noun phrase/clause, in that case, you cannot alter the particle around it.
Directions for an emergency situation are written here.万一(まんいち)の場合に備(そな)えて、お金(かね)を貯(た)めています。
In preparation for the emergency situation, I am saving money.
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