今朝(けさ)六時__ 地震(じしん)がありました。
a. およそ b. ぐらい c. ごろ d. やく
All 4 choices above have the meaning of “approximately” or “about” but the usage are different.
およそ and 約 are used before the number
およそ is usually used in front of a number and means “approximately”:
The figure will be doubled in about 10 years.この町(まち)の人口(じんこう)はおよそ4万人(よんまんにん)です。
The population of this town is about 40,000.
やく(約) can be used instead of およそ:
The figure will be doubled in about 10 years.この町(まち)の人口(じんこう)は やく4万人(よんまんにん)です。
The population of this town is about 40,000.
くらい/ぐらい is used after the number + counter
くらい/ぐらい is usually used after a number + counter and means “about,” “almost”. It can be used with a time phrase but in that case you need a particle after or end the sentence with だ/です.
It takes about 9 hours from here to Tokyo.この町(まち)の人口(じんこう)は4万人(よんまんにん)くらいです。
The population of this town is about 40,000.今朝(けさ)六時(ろくじ)ぐらいに地震(じしん)がありました。
There was an earthquake at around 6 o’clock this morning – if you use に (at) after ぐらい, ぐらい can be used in this sentence.
ごろ is used only after a precise time phrase
ごろ is used only with a time phrase and it can include the meaning of “in” or “at” (although you can add に after ごろ):
I went home around 8 o’clock.お昼(ひる)ごろに伺(うかが)います。
I’m visiting you around lunch time.
The intended meaning is: there was an earthquake at around 6 o’clock this morning. All the choices given have the meaning of “approximately” but the one you can use in this sentence is c. ごろ only.
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