Welcome to EasyJapaneseE’s Survival Japanese
This is an electronic phrase book with sound files for travellers to Japan. It is full of useful phrases grouped by likely situations.
Travellers’ Tips
Also included are some information to help you prepare for the upcoming trip.
You can download a list of phrases covered in this course and take it with you to Japan.
Subscription Period: 26 weeks
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to email me at easyjapanesee@gmail.com. If you’d like any other phrases included, please also email me. If your phrases seem useful to other travellers, I will include them!
[Introduction Tips] - General Information for Travellers to Japan
[Unit 1 Phrases] - Basic Communication
[Unit 1 Tips] - Things to take with you
[Unit 2 Phrases] - Useful Phrases at the Airport
[Unit 2 Tips] - Money Matters while you are in Japan
[Unit 3 Phrases] - Shopping
[Unit 3 Tips] - What you expect in shops and Duty-Free Purchases
[Unit 4 Phrases] - at an accommodation facility
[Unit 4 Tips] - Japanese Toilets, Baths and Shoes!
[Unit 5 Phrases] - Going Around in Japan
[Unit 5 Tips] - Moving around in Japan
[Unit 5 Tips 2] - JR Seat Reservation and Fare Rules
[Unit 6 Phrases] - Eating Out
[Unit 6 Kanji Numbers] - Reading Prices written in Kanji Characters
[Unit 6 Tips] - Common foods and Open/Closed signs
[Unit 7 Phrases] - Emergency
[Unit 7 Tips] - Mobile Phones
[Appendix Phrases] - useful words
[Appendix Tips] - an insider guide to Kyoto, an ancient capital
[Have a Nice Trip!] - Download the list of phrases