So far we have been dealing with sentences that are very simple, such as
わたしは きのう ほんを かいました。I bought a book yesterday.
その ほんは おもしろかったです。 The book was interesting.
You should be able to combine the two like:
The book I bought yesterday was interesting.
きのう かった ほんは おもしろかったです。
This page is an explanation of how to combine 2 sentences like this.
In order to combine 2 sentences by making one into a contact clause, you need to follow these steps:
- Decide which sentence to keep as the main sentence and which to convert into the contact clause.
In this pair, you won’t know if the book is interesting until you read it, so you need to keep the second sentence “The book was interesting” as the main sentence and the first one “I bought a book yesterday” to convert into a contact clause. - Convert the secondary sentence into the plain form but you need to remember:
- [change は to が] If the doer of the action of the verb (= the subject) in the secondary sentence is marked with the topic marker は, this は has to be changed to the subject marker が (or の) as no phrase in the contact clause can be the topic of the sentence any more.
- [skip the noun] You need to skip the noun which appears in both sentence together with its particle (in this example, ほんを, the book)
⇒ わたしが きのうほんをかった
- Place the contact clause in front of the same noun you have skipped above.
⇒ わたしが きのう かった (その)ほんは おもしろかったです。(The (very) book I bought yesterday was interesting.)
If the noun in the main clause has この/その/あの in front of it like this example, you can usually skip この/その/あの. If you leave them in the sentence, it adds the meaning of “one and only” to the noun.
⇒ わたしが きのう かった ほんは おもしろかったです。(The book I bought yesterday was interesting.) - Tidy up. You can remove any obvious parts which can be left out. In this case, わたしは is not needed.
⇒ きのう かった ほんは おもしろかったです。
Let’s have a look at how the contact clause ends depending on the words we use:
non-past | ほんを よむ ひと | the person/people who reads/read books |
past | ほんを よんだ ひと | the person/people who read the book |
negative | ほんを よまない ひと | the person/people who doesn’t/don’t read books |
negative past | ほんを よまなかった ひと | the person/people who didn’t read the book |
non-past | かみが ながい ひと | the person/people who has/have long hair |
past | かみが ながかった ひと | the person/people who had long hair |
negative | かみが ながくない ひと | the person/people who doesn’t/don’t have long hair |
negative past | かみが ながくなかった ひと | the person/people who didn’t have long hair |
non-past | すしが すきな* ひと | the person/people who likes/like sushi |
past | すしが すきだった ひと | the person/people who liked sushi |
negative | すしが すきじゃない ひと | the person/people who doesn’t/don’t like sushi |
negative past | すしが すきじゃなかった ひと | the person/people who didn’t like sushi |
non-past | こどもが だいがくせいの* ひと | the person/people whose child is a university student |
past | こどもが だいがくせいだった ひと | the person/people whose child was a university student |
negative | こどもが だいがくせいじゃない ひと | the person/people whose child is not a university student |
negative past | こどもが だいがくせいじゃなかった ひと | the person/people whose child was not a university student |
As stated above, when you use a non-past clause which ends in a なadjective + だ, you need to change the ending だ to な. If the contact clause ends in a noun + だ, then the だ needs to be changed to の.
Also, as shown below, the subject marker が within a contact clause is often replaced with の without causing any meaning change. However, some が cannot be replaced with の, so don’t change it unless you are sure.
People who have little rubbish are usually rich.
ゴミのすくない人は、たいていお金持ちです。People who have many friends are usually nice.
More Examples
- きょねん かった コートが ちいさく なりました。
- としょかんで かりた じしょを なくしました。
- それは ずっと ききたかった しつもんです。
- あかい シャツを きている おとこのごは わたしの おとうと です。
- きのうの よる やった しゅくだいは むずかしかった です。
- にほんで かった しょうゆは おいしい です。
- ちちが きている せびろは イタリアせい です。
- ははが よんだ タクシーで たいしかんに いきました。
- あにが かいた ノートが ここに あります。
- とうきょうから おくった にもつが きょう とどきました。
Vocab for the above examples
コート | noun | coat, court (for tennis, volleyball, etc.) |
じしょ | noun | dictionary |
しつもん | noun | question, inquiry |
シャツ | noun | shirt |
しゅくだい | noun | homework |
しょうゆ | noun | soy sauce |
せびろ | noun | business suit, a jacket |
たいしかん | noun | embassy |
にもつ | noun | luggage |
ノート | noun | notebook, exercise book |