~からには… is used when the condition stated before からには will inevitably lead to the statement after it and often used to express the speaker’s resolution.

~からには… is used when the condition stated before からには will inevitably lead to the statement after it and often used to express the speaker’s resolution.
~からして is used to give an example to lead to your opinion or to state a strong base for your conviction. This post explains how it’s used.
~にわたって is an expression to state a range and it emphasizes the length or vastness of the range. Something like “throughout ~” or “for the entire ~”
〜にかけて is used when you are stating a vague ending point of something continuous. It is similar to ~まで. This post explains the differences between ~にかけて and 〜まで.
がかり is an expression to emphasize the amount of effort/time needed in a certain situation. Read more example sentences here.
The Katakana word ドライブ is used quite differently from the original English word, “drive.” This post explains how to use ドライブ as well as how to say “drive (a vehicle)” in Japanese.
This post lists question words you need to know for the JLPT N5 exam. Read examples and check the meaning when combined with a particle.
Today’s Question 日本にほんではくつをはいた 家いえにはいってはいけません。a. うち b. とき c. ながら d. まま Today’s Grammar Point: ~まま… Connection [past plain verb] + まま…[non-past…
Today’s Question 傘(かさ)がないから雨(あめ)が止(や)むまで待(ま)つ____ない。a. さえ b. しか c. だけ d. まだ Today’s Grammar Point: ~しかない/~ほかない Connection [dictionary form verb] + しかない…
Today’s question Which sounds more appreciative?A: おとしだまは五千円(ごせんえん)しかなかった。B: おとしだまは五千円(ごせんえん)だけだった。 Today’s Grammar Point: ~しか…ない/ません Connection [noun] + しか + [verb ない form][noun]…
This page lists all the new grammar points you need to know for the JLPT N3 exam. If the item…
日本(にほん)では電車(でんしゃ)の中(なか)で電話(でんわ)で話(はな)しては( )です。a. いい b. オーケー c. だめ d. なれ The intended meaning is: “You must NOT talk on the phone…
Here is the list of grammatical items you need to know for the NSW HSC Beginners’ course exam. If you…
This post explains how counters are used in Japanese and lists commonly used counters with their question form as well. Bookmark the page for future reference.
What is 水(みず)の泡(あわ)?What does that mean? 水(みず) = waterの = a particle (attribute marker, joining 2 nouns)泡(あわ) = a bubble…
この果物(くだもの)の_は食(た)べてみないとわからない。a. おいしい b. おいしく c. おいしさ d. おいしみ The intended meaning is: People cannot get to know how delicious this…
Today’s post is about how to say “approximately” in Japanese. Some are used before a number phrase and others are used after.
雨(あめ)が ふれば、ピクニックは 中止(ちゅうし)に なります。=雨(あめ)の___、ピクニックは 中止(ちゅうし)に なります。a. ばあい b. ばかり c. まえに d. やばい The intended meaning is: In case of…
Here is the list of grammatical items you need to know for the NSW HSC Continuers’ course. If you click…
You can download the list of vocabulary most likely used in the JLPT N4 exam here. It is based on…