Today’s #kanji is 寝, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀). 寝 used to be written as 㝲 and it is a character comprising a semantic and a phonetic …

Today’s #kanji is 寝, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀). 寝 used to be written as 㝲 and it is a character comprising a semantic and a phonetic …
Today’s #kanji is 宿, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “a house.” Its phonetic element is 佰 although 宿 and 佰 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 富, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “a house.” Its phonetic element is 畐, although 富 and 畐 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 容, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀) but 容 is a compound ideograph made of 宀 (a house) and 谷 (a valley).
Today’s #kanji is 定, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “a house.” Its phonetic element is 正, though 定 and 正 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 守, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀). 守 is a compound ideograph made of 宀 (a public office) and 寸 (rules or work).
Today’s #kanji is 実, a simplified form of 實, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀). 實 is a compound ideograph made of 宀 (a house) and 貫 (goods).
Today’s #kanji is 察, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “to cover.” Its phonetic element is 祭, although 察 and 祭 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 害, which is listed under the radical of #うかんむり(宀), but it was written differently originally and I cannot bring it up on the computer.
Today’s #kanji is 完, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “a house.” Its phonetic element is 元, although 完 and 元 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 宅, which is listed under its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀), “a house.” Its phonetic element is 乇, which has the meaning of “to settle.”
Today’s #kanji is #客, which is made of its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀) and phonetic element of 各 although the common reading of 客 is different from that of 各.
Today’s #kanji is #官, which is a combined ideograph between #うかんむり(宀), representing a house/building, and 㠯, to gather. So what does 官 mean then?
Today’s #kanji is #寄, which is made of its semantic element of #うかんむり(宀)and phonetic element of 奇. 奇 apparently has…
Today’s first #kanji is #寒, which is listed under #うかんむり. Under うかんむり, it has 3 horrizonal lines, 2 vertical lines,…
Today’s first #kanji is #室. Its #うかんむり(宀) suggests it has something to do with a building. The inside part 至(いたる)…
Today’s second #kanji is #字. #子(こ/a child)is hiding under #うかんむり(宀).Year 1’s in Japan learn its onyomi (originally Chinese reading) and…
Meaning: houseReading: カ、ケ、いえ、や、うち* 家族(カゾク): a family, one’s family (members)家庭(カテイ): a household, a family一家(イッカ): (somebody’s) entire family, a family 家来(ケライ):…
#安 is made of #うかんむり and 女 (female). うかんむり is associated with a house – “having a woman in the…