Today’s #kanji is 類, which is listed under the radical of #おおがい(頁). 類’s semantic element is 犬 and the rest (米 + 頁)is its phonetic element.

Today’s #kanji is 類, which is listed under the radical of #おおがい(頁). 類’s semantic element is 犬 and the rest (米 + 頁)is its phonetic element.
Today’s #kanji is 頂, which is listed under its semantic element of #おおがい(頁), a head. Its phonetic element is 丁. Check the details here.
This week’s #kanji is #願, which is listed under its semantic element of #おおがい(頁). Its phonetic element is 原, which…
Today’s #kanji is #題, which is listed under its semantic element of #おおがい(頁). The supposed sound element 是 does not…
Today’s second #kanji is #顔. It is made of 彦 and 頁. 彦 means “a man with virtue and talent”…
Today’s first #kanji is #頭, which is made of 豆 and 頁(#おおがい). In my kanji dictionary, it is listed under…