Today’s #kanji is 財, which is listed under its semantic element of #かい(貝, money/wealth). Its phonetic element is 才.
Today’s #kanji is 賛, which is listed under its semantic element of #かい(貝, money/wealth). 賛’s original form is 贊 and 兟 is its phonetic element.
Today’s #kanji is 資, which is listed under its semantic element of #かい(貝, money/wealth). Its phonetic element is 次 although 資 and 次 don’t share the same sound.
Today’s #kanji is 負, which is listed under the radical of #かい(貝, money/wealth). 負 is a compound ideograph made of 貝 and 人 depicting a person holding money.
Today’s #kanji is 費, which is listed under its semantic element of #かい(貝, money/wealth). Its phonetic element is 弗, though 費 and 弗 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 責, which is listed under its semantic element of #かい(貝, money/wealth). 責 used to be written differently and its phonetic element is 朿 …
Today’s #kanji is #貧, which is made of its semantic element of 貝 (representing money, wealth) and phonetic element of…
Today’s #kanji is #貸, which is listed under its semantic element of #貝. Its phonetic element is 代. Meaning: to…
Today’s #kanji is #質, which is listed under its semantic element 貝. 斦 is supposed to be 質’s phonetic element…