Today’s #Kanji is 因, which is listed under the radical of #くにがまえ(囗) but the 因 is apparently a pictograph. 因 is the original form of the character …

Today’s #Kanji is 因, which is listed under the radical of #くにがまえ(囗) but the 因 is apparently a pictograph. 因 is the original form of the character …
This week’s #kanji is #困. I wrote about the verb using this character on Wednesday. 困 is listed under #くにがまえ(囗)(Please…
Today’s #kanji is #図, which is listed under the radical of #くにがまえ(囗). The inside part looks like the katakana ツ…
Today’s second #kanji is #回, which is listed under the radical of #くにがまえ(囗). However apparently 回 is a pictograph depicting…
Today’s second #kanji is #国, which is made of #くにがまえ(囗) and 玉. 玉 is a jewel or a precious stone,…
Today’s first #kanji is #四. It’s listed under #くにがまえ(囗) and the inside looks like #にんにょう/#ひとあし(儿) but apparently it comes from…
Today’s second #kanji is #円. It’s made of #まきがまえ/#けいがまえ(冂). 円 used to be an informal variant of 圓 which is…
Today’s second #kanji is #園. It’s made of #くにがまえ(囗)and 袁. In Japanese 袁 is not usually used alone but it…