Today’s #kanji is 忘, which is listed under its semantic element of #こころ(心), which is closely associated with #りっしんべん(忄). 忘’s phonetic element is 亡.

Today’s #kanji is 忘, which is listed under its semantic element of #こころ(心), which is closely associated with #りっしんべん(忄). 忘’s phonetic element is 亡.
Today’s #kanji is #息, which is listed under the radical of #こころ in my 大修館書店漢和辞典. According to the dictionary, some say it’s a pictograph depicting an exhalation through the nose. Others say it is a compound ideograph between 自 (suggesting “nose”) and 心 (“inside”).
Today’s #kanji is #必, which is listed under the radical of #こころ(心) but its original form was made of its semantic element of 弋 (the original form of 杙) and phonetic element of 八, though 必 and 八 do not share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #悲, which is made of its semantic element of #こころ and phonetic element of 非. 非 is…
This week’s first #kanji is #念, which is made of its semantic element of #したごころ(心) and phonetic element of 今,…
This week’s second #kanji is #恥, which is made of its semantic element of #こころ(心) and phonetic element of 耳,…
This week’s #kanji is #想, which is listed under its semantic element of #したごころ(心). Its phonetic element is 相. Meaning:…
This week’s #kanji is #怒, which is listed under its semantic element of #したごころ(心). Its phonetic element is 奴, Can…
This week’s #kanji is 恐, which is listed under its semantic element of #したごころ(心). Its phonetic element is 巩, which…
Today’s #kanji is #感, which is listed under its semantic element of #したごころ(心) and its phonetic element is 咸. 咸 apparently had a meaning of “being moved.” Can you tell what it mean and can you read all of the examples? Click the link to check them out.
#Japanese #日本語 #漢字 #JLPT #N3
This week we are venturing into N3 level kanji and the first one is 愛. Once I heard somebody say…
Today’s #kanji is #急, which is listed under its semantic element of #したごころ(心). Its sound element used to be 及.…
Today’s second #kanji is #悪, which is listed under the radical of #こころ(心). The top part 亜 used to be…
Today’s first #kanji is #思. It’s written with 田 (rice field ⇒ to produce) and 心(こころ). Your thoughts are product…
Meaning: a heart, a mind, the centre Reading: シン(ジン)、こころ(ごころ) 心臓(シンゾウ): the heart心配(シンパイ): anxiety, fear, worry関心(カンシン): interest, concern中心(チュウシン): the centre,…