Today’s #kanji is 阪, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), which means a hill. Its phonetic element is 反.

Today’s #kanji is 阪, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), which means a hill. Its phonetic element is 反.
Today’s #kanji is 陽, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん, which means a hill, the earth, etc. Its phonetic element is 昜.
Today’s #kanji is 限, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), a hill. Its phonetic element is 艮 although 限 and 艮 don’t share a sound in Japanese
Today’s #kanji is 際, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), which means a hill, the earth, etc. Its phonetic element is 祭 which has the meaning of “touching.”
Today’s #kanji is 降, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝), a hill. Its phonetic element is 夅, which has the meaning of “descending.”
Today’s #kanji is 除, which is listed under its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝),a hill. Its phonetic element is 余, although 除 and 余 don’t share a sound in Japanese
Today’s #kanji is #険, which is made of its semantic element of #こざとへん(阝) and phonetic element of 僉, although 険 and 僉 don’t share a sound any more.
Today’s #kanji is #院, which is made of the semantic element of #こざとへん(阝) and the phonetic element of 完 although…