Today’s #kanji is 居, which is listed under its semantic element of #しかばねかんむり(尸), which shows association with “corpse.” 居’s phonetic element is 古.

Today’s #kanji is 居, which is listed under its semantic element of #しかばねかんむり(尸), which shows association with “corpse.” 居’s phonetic element is 古.
Today’s #kanji is 局, which is listed under the radical of #しかばねかんむり. 局 is a compound ideograph made of 尺 (a measuring rule) and 口 (a mouth).
Meaning: a house, a roof Reading: オク、や 屋上(オクジョウ): a rooftop, a roof屋外(オクガイ): the open (air), outdoors家屋(カオク): a house, a…