Today’s #kanji is 探, listed under its semantic element of #てへん. 深 used to be written differently. I cannot display its phonetic element as not used in Japanese.

Today’s #kanji is 探, listed under its semantic element of #てへん. 深 used to be written differently. I cannot display its phonetic element as not used in Japanese.
Today’s #kanji is 抱, which is listed under the radical of #てへん(扌). My dictionary says its semantic element was originally 衣 and phonetic element is 包.
Today’s #kanji is 招, which is listed under its semantic element of #てへん(扌). Its phonetic element is 召 and it has the meaning of “to call” or “to invite.”
Today’s #kanji is 捕, which is listed under its semantic element of #てへん(扌). Its phonetic element is 甫, which means to tie or bound.
Today’s #kanji is 打, which is listed under its semantic element of #てへん(扌). Its phonetic element is 丁, though 打 and 丁 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 折, which is listed under the radical of #てへん(扌). 折’s original form, 㪿, is a compound ideograph. Check the details here.
Today’s #kanji is 払, which is listed under its semantic element of #てへん(扌). 払’s original form is 拂 and 弗 is 払’s phonetic element.
Today’s #kanji is 抜, which looks like 扌 and 友 but 抜’s original form is 拔 and that is made of its semantic element of #てへん(扌) and phonetic element of 犮.
Today’s #kanji is 投, which is listed under the radical of #てへん(扌). There are multiple theories on how this character came about. Check them out here.
Today’s #kanji is #指, which is made of its semantic element of #てへん(扌) and phonetic element of 旨 and it means fingers. Check the name of each finger in your hand here!
Today’s #kanji is #掛, which is made of its semantic element of #てへん(扌) and phonetic element of 卦. In the…
Today’s #kanji is #押, which is made of its semantic element of #てへん(扌) and phonetic element of 甲, although 押…
Today’s second #kanji is #持, which is listed under #てへん(扌), a hand. 寺(てら) nowadays means a temple but apparently it originally meant “to work”.
Meaning: ability, talent Reading: サイ 才人(サイジン): a clever person, an accomplished person才女(サイジョ): an intelligent woman, a woman of ability才知(サイチ):…
Meaning: a hand Reading: シュ、ズ、チョウ、て(で)、た 手話(シュワ): sign language選手(センシュ): a player; an athlete 上手(ジョウズ)(な): clever, skilled. good (at) 手水(チョウズ): washing…