Today’s #kanji is #能, which is listed under the radical of #にくづき(月), representing “body.” There seem to be a few different theories how this character was developed.

Today’s #kanji is #能, which is listed under the radical of #にくづき(月), representing “body.” There seem to be a few different theories how this character was developed.
Today’s #kanji is #腹, which is made of its semantic element of #にくづき(月) and phonetic element of 复. 复 has a meaning of “to cover.” Do you know what it means then?
Today’s #kanji is #背, which is made of its semantic element of #にくづき(月) and phonetic element of 北, although 背 and 北 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #有, which is listed under its semantic element of #にくづき(月). Its phonetic element is 又 for 手.…