Today’s #kanji is 景, which is listed under its semantic element of #にちへん(日), which suggests a connection with the sun or a day. Its phonetic element is 京.
Today’s #kanji is 晴, which is a casual version of 睛. It is listed under its semantic element of #にちへん(日). Its phonetic element is 靑.
Today’s #kanji is 暮, which is listed under the radical of #ひらび. It is a compound ideograph made of 莫 and 日. 莫 can mean a grassy place and 日 can be hidden in it
Today’s #kanji is 昔 which is listed under the radical of #ひらび(日). It is a compound ideograph made of 龷 (“piling up”) and 日.
Today’s #kanji is 昨, which is listed its semantic element of #にちへん(日) . Its phonetic element is 乍 which apparently has the meaning of “to separate.”
Today’s #kanji is #最, which is listed under #にちへん(日) but it is apparently a compound ideograph between 冃 (“risking” or “covering”) and 取 (“to take”).
Today’s first #kanji is #映, which is made of 日 and 央, 央 is supposed to be the sound component…
Today’s second #kanji is #暗, which is made of 日 and 音. 音 usually means a sound but in this…
Today’s first #kanji is #日, which makes its own radical. It is a pictograph for the sun. Make sure you…
Today’s second #kanji is #時, which is made of #ひへん/#にちへん(日) and 寺 (a temple). 寺 serves as its sound indicator here but temple bells served as a clock.
Today’s first #kanji is #曜. It’s made of #ひへん(日) with 2 x katakana ヨ (actually 羽) and #ふるとり(隹). Altogether 18…
Today’s second #kanji is #晩. It is made of ひへん/にちへん(日) and 免 (メン, to escape). Yes, you can picture that…
Today’s first #kanji is #明.#日 (the Sun) and #月 (the Moon) are together, so it must be very bright! It…