Today’s #kanji is 偶, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), which suggests a connection with a person. Its phonetic element is 禺.

Today’s #kanji is 偶, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), which suggests a connection with a person. Its phonetic element is 禺.
Today’s #kanji is 側, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), which suggests a connection with a person. Its phonetic element is 則.
Today’s #kanji is 内, which is listed under the radical of #にんべん(亻) in my dictionary. However, 内 is apparently a compound ideograph made of 入and 冂.
Today’s #kanji is 備, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. Its phonetic element is the character on the right hand side.
Today’s #kanji is 任, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. Its phonetic element is 壬, although 任 and 壬 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 似, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. Its phonetic element is 以, although 似 and 以 don’t quite share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is 値, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. Its phonetic element is 直, though 値 and 直 don’t share a sound in Japanese
Today’s #kanji is 例, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. Its phonetic element is 列 though 例 and 列 don’t quite share a sound in Japanese.
Today’s #kanji is 供, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), which suggests a connection with a person. Its phonetic element is 共.
Today’s #kanji is 伝, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), a person. 伝 used to be written as 傳 and 専 is its phonetic element.
Today’s #kanji is 倒, which is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻), which suggests a connection with a person. Its phonetic element is 到.
Today’s #kanji is 付, which is listed under the radical of #にんべん(亻). It is a compound ideograph made of a person (亻) and 寸.
Today’s #kanji is 候 is listed under its semantic element of #にんべん(亻). Its phonetic element is 矦, which I have never seen used in the Japanese language.
Today’s #kanji is #件, which is listed under the radical of #にんべん(亻). It is a compound ideograph made of 人 (a person) and 牛 (a cow/bull).
Today’s #kanji is #位, which is listed under the radical of #にんべん(亻). It is a compound ideograph made of 人 (a person) and 立 (to stand).
Today’s #kanji is #係, which is made of its semantic element of #にんべん(亻) and phonetic element of 系. 系 has a meaning of “to connect.” Can you guess what 係 means then?
Today’s #kanji is #他, which is made of its semantic element of #にんべん(亻) and phonetic element of 也, though 他 and 也 don’t share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #偉, which is made of its semantic element of #にんべん(亻)and phonetic element of 韋. Meaning: greatnessReading: イ、えら…
Today’s #kanji is #優, which is made of its semantic element of #にんべん(亻) and phonetic element of 憂. 憂 has…
This week’s #kanji is a compound ideograph, #信. It is a combination of 人 (a person) and 言 (words, speech).…