Today’s #kanji is 積, which is listed under its semantic element of #のぎへん(禾). Its phonetic element is 責. There are 2 x 2 ways of reading it.
Today’s #kanji is 種, which is listed under its semantic element of #のぎへん(禾), Its phonetic element is 重 although 種 and 重 don’t exactly share a sound.
Today’s #kanji is #程, which is listed its semantic element of #のぎへん(禾). Its phonetic element is 呈. 禾 is for “grains” and 呈 has the same meaning as 第, an ordinal.
Today’s second #kanji is #科. #のぎへん(禾) which has something to do with “harvest” is used with “a dipper” 斗(ト). Does…
meaning: autumn reading: シュウ(ジュウ)、あき 秋分の日(シュウブンのひ): Autumnal Equinox Day (22nd or 23rd September)秋月(シュウゲツ): an autumn moon, a harvest moon秋思(シュウシ): a…
Meaning: private, me Reading: シ、わたくし、わたし 私立(シリツ)(の): private, non-government私見(シケン): one’s personal view私服(シフク): civvies, plain clothes私財(シザイ): private funds私費(シヒ): private expense私利私欲(シリシヨク): greed,…
Today, we celebrate the arrival of the new era 令和(れいわ). It’s written with these two kanjis. Meaning: a command, good…